Always With You Read online

Page 13

  “Sneaky, are we? I approve.”

  He grinned. “Glad you do.”

  “So... what’s the first step in this grand plan?”

  “Make yourself comfortable, and trust me.”

  The first step turned out to be a couple’s massage. The spa area took up an entire floor of the hotel. As soon as I entered it, I felt my entire body become lighter. The mix of bamboo furniture and the lavender smell coming from the aromatherapy diffusers relaxed my muscles. The massage felt more like the cherry on top at this point.

  I’d never done anything like it, but I could see myself becoming an addict. It was so very relaxing: the music, the candles, the hands kneading my tired muscles with warm oil. The exquisite man lying on the massage bed next to mine. Yep, he contributed too. I couldn’t see him, because the ladies working their magic on us instructed us to keep our eyes closed, but just knowing he was right next to me filled me with nervous jitters, as if I had champagne bubbles coursing through my veins.

  “The massage part is over now,” one of the ladies said. “We’ll leave you alone for a few minutes and knock at the door when the session is over. Until then, you can just relax in silence. Leave the day behind you, and just focus on the music, or on your breath. Follow every breath in and out. Another relaxation technique is to focus on each muscle, feel the way it has softened in the last hour.”

  All that sounded great, but I’d already made up my mind about what I’d do next. Relaxing was fun, but spying on a seminaked Reid was just what the doctor ordered.

  As soon as I heard the door close, I grinned, turning my head in Reid’s direction, blinking my eyes open. I startled when I realized he was looking at me.

  “You should keep your eyes closed,” I murmured.

  “So should you.”

  “Well, I did consider it, but the point of this was to relax, and, well... admiring you should definitely be considered a relaxation technique.”

  Except, I was starting to feel more turned on than relaxed. His gaze moved lazily down my body. I felt myself blush, because I was only wearing a paper bikini and a warmed-up towel.

  Reid looked as if he was seconds away from doing away with the towel.

  “What’s the next step?” I asked eagerly.

  “You’ll see soon enough.”

  I smiled, feeling warm tingles everywhere. I wasn’t used to following anyone’s lead, but leaving this delicious man in charge wasn’t bad. Not bad at all.

  The knock at the door came far too soon. We climbed down from the tables, fastening our robes.

  “Do you have a relaxation area in your hotel?” I asked when we returned to the room.

  “Of course.”

  I rubbed my palms together. “Can’t wait to explore it. I feel as if I’ve just discovered a whole new world.”

  “Never been to a spa?”

  “I have, but mostly for manis and pedis, or for waxing. Had a foot massage once that scarred me for life. Was so rough that I felt like walking on my palms when she was done.”

  “I’ll tell everyone in LA to take good care of you. You’re welcome to try anything you want.”

  “Oooh, don’t say that. I might never leave the building.”

  “You can stay as long as you want, Hailey. I love having you at the hotel with me.”

  His statement made my heart beat faster, but not as much as the tenderness in his eyes. All day, I’d felt as if we were dancing on an invisible line, and now with his open invitation, he took us over that line.

  “So, what’s next in this master plan of yours?”

  “We have dinner coming in.”

  “Oooohhh... you’re definitely good at this.”

  We ended up having dinner in bed with the TV on. It had been so long since I’d watched TV, and not a streaming service, that I’d forgotten how it felt to just flick through the channels.

  I didn’t remember ever being so at ease with a man, especially after being joined at the hip the entire day. He didn’t seem to have had enough of me. Quite the contrary.

  We laughed about some silly reality shows we came across, and then I wrinkled my nose when a romantic comedy from the nineties came up.

  “You’re not a fan of romantic comedies?” he asked.

  “They’re okay. Just not very realistic. I have a hard time believing every couple will really be together for good.”

  “You don’t think two people can be in it for the long haul?” His voice was a little more serious than before, as if he was being careful with his words.

  I watched him pop the last fry into his mouth, considering my answer. “No, that’s not it. I’m happy for all my siblings, and I know they’ve found their matches. I just don’t think it’s something that happens for everyone.”

  “For you? Do you want a family?”

  I shrugged. “Haven’t thought about it. I’m not a cynic or anything. I mean, when I was a kid, I played mom all the time with my dolls. Then I stopped.”

  “After you lost your parents?”

  My throat seemed not to function properly. I nodded. Reid shifted closer until our shoulders touched, then kissed the side of my head, speaking against my hair.

  “Babe, you lost your parents when you were a kid. It’s understandable that you probably fear that no one will be around forever. Maybe it even feels safer if you just tell yourself no relationship can last anyway.”

  I couldn’t believe he wasn’t judging me or calling me inconsiderate. I knew my flaws, and this was a big one, I’d just honestly never known how to fix it. I still didn’t know.

  “I do that sometimes.” I lowered my gaze to the comforter, smoothing nonexistent wrinkles with my thumb. “Most of the time, actually.”

  “I’ll be the one to change that.”

  I pulled back a notch, snapping my gaze up to him. My heart was beating wildly. I couldn’t find the right words, or any words, really. But then, he didn’t seem to be waiting for a response. He just bestowed one of those sexy smiles on me, moved closer, brought one hand to my neck, splaying his fingers wide. When he crushed his mouth to mine, I sighed against his lips, giving in to the demanding kiss, stroking his body with as much urgency as he stroked mine. He was different from the man I’d met two months ago who doubted that he was enough. I was proud of him, happy for him, because he was amazing and it was high time he saw that.

  “I don’t know what this is, but I want to show you it’s okay to dream and want things that scare you.”

  Yes, yes, yes. Oh, God, yes.

  He pushed my robe away, and I quickly discarded his. We were naked underneath. Easing me on my back, he kissed a path down from my neck to my navel, then feathered his lips all over my rib cage.

  I pressed my knees into his sides, trapping him, and felt him smile against my skin.

  “Am I going too slow for you?” he teased.

  “Nope. Not at all.”

  He was, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Plus, I was enjoying the sweet torture, especially because he seemed intent on not leaving one inch of my skin untouched, unkissed.

  Every time he glanced at me, he stoked the fire inside me even more. But more than that, I felt wrapped up in him in a way I couldn’t even describe or understand. The way he just embraced me, flaws, fears, and all made me blink back tears.

  His mouth wreaked havoc on me until the sweet torture was no longer sweet. It was unbearable. I needed him inside me. Right now. I was aching so much that I couldn’t think. Licking my lips, I rocked my hips up into him, silently begging. He let out a low, guttural sound when his cock collided with my center. I gasped, small shockwaves of pleasure knocking the breath out of me.

  He pulled back a notch, gripping himself at the base. I looked between us as he eased in, first just the tip, then giving me everything.

  “Hailey, this feels....” His voice faded as he sealed his mouth over mine in a kiss, tangling our tongues. Pleasure rippled through me in little spasms. Every sensation was magnified. The lig
ht scrape of his nails on my thighs. The fierce tangle of our tongues. The feeling of him inside me. His pubic bone nudging my clit deliciously on every thrust.

  I came apart fast, crying out as I moved my hips against him desperately, wanting to prolong the wave of pleasure. I held on to him until my breath slowed down.

  Now I only had one goal: give him just as much pleasure.

  I attempted to wedge a hand between us, but he gripped my wrist, kissing the pulse point, watching me with determined, feral eyes.

  “I’m still in charge, Hailey.”

  Oh, God. That voice. It promised so many more delicious treats. He pulled out, turning me around. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I waited with bated breath for the moment he’d slide inside me again.

  “Oh,” I exclaimed in surprise when I felt his lips on the back of my ankle. He kissed along my legs, drawing small circles with his tongue on the backs of my knees, making me claw at the sheets. He kissed further up my thighs, biting an ass cheek lightly. I laughed nervously. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not done exploring you, Hailey. Or making you come.”

  I swallowed, relaxing into his touch, surrendering completely to whatever he wanted to do to me.

  His lips were relentless, as were his hands. He kissed right up to the back of my neck. Involuntarily, I pushed my ass back, smacking into him, trapping his cock between my right ass cheek and his pelvis.

  “Hailey.” His voice shook against my skin. He sounded so strained that I knew he was just as far gone as I was. I rolled my hips, with him still trapped, pushing him even further to the edge.

  Next thing I knew, he pinned my hips to the bed, entering me so deeply that my vision blurred for a few seconds.

  I’d barely caught my breath when he started moving.

  “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” I whispered.

  How could I feel another orgasm forming already? Because Reid had taken his time to explore me, to take care of my pleasure. I was overwhelmed by all the things he was doing to me at the same time: whispering sweet and sinful words in my ear, touching the sides of my breasts, his weight pressing me against the bed, creating delicious friction against my clit. Then he pulled me to all fours.

  The change took me by surprise, and I instinctively moved toward him, but he stopped me with a hand pressing gently on the middle of my back as he slipped inside.

  I felt so utterly alive and so very... loved. I couldn’t even... oh God, how could he make me feel so many things at the same time?

  “Reid, ffffuck.” I stuttered on every syllable as my body lit up. I became oblivious to anything except the exquisite pleasure. The muscles in my belly contracted. Our sounds filled the room, our bodies urging each other closer to a climax. My legs started to shake. I wasn’t prepared to come again so soon, and my whole body gave in, reveling in the pleasure, in hearing Reid cry out my name.

  I felt like putty as I collapsed on the bed, smiling when Reid dropped right next to me. He feathered one hand up and down my back. After a few minutes, I pushed myself up. I had to go clean up.

  When I returned, Reid was on his feet, casually leaning against a wall, still as naked as the day he was born. When I was close enough, he dipped his head, circling one nipple with his tongue before gently sucking it in his mouth.

  “What was that for?” I fake-chastised him.

  “Didn’t give them enough attention before. Was just making up for it.”

  I giggled. “By all means, go on then. Just make sure your arm is around my waist. Or you pin me against a wall.”

  “Why the specific instructions?”

  “My knees are a bit wobbly.”

  “Really? And why is that?”

  “Might be because a certain someone just had his wicked way with me. His very wicked way.”

  He kissed my forehead, pulling me into a naked, messy hug. I loved it. He still hadn’t showered, but I loved it.

  “Your plan extends beyond getting into my pants, Mr. Davenport?”

  “Why, Ms. Connor. I thought you had the midnight fireworks on the lake on your list.”

  I opened my mouth. “You looked at my list? And here I was, thinking I took you by surprise with my hidden gems. You cheated.”

  “Had to know when to book the massage, didn’t I?”

  “Uh-uh. You’re taking sneaky to a whole new level.”

  “I do what I can. So, come on, cover that pretty ass with a dress while I shower, and let’s head out.”

  I put an extra sway in my hips as I walked through the room, looking over my shoulder at his huge grin. My heart felt ten times its size. I wanted to enjoy every single moment, and I was rubbing off on him. Mission accomplished.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Hey, stop it, you’re not carrying that,” I told Val on Friday, while we were bringing the food to the living room.

  “Hailey, it’s not even a pound.”

  I bit my lip. “You’re right, sorry. I’m overreacting.”

  “You think? You already banned me from my own kitchen.”

  “Hey, that’s not how it happened,” Lori protested.

  Val liked being the boss in her kitchen, but between all of us, we’d convinced her to let us cook dinner and just oversee us.

  “You got to boss us; we felt as if we were actually useful, so win-win for everyone,” I said.

  Cooking for more than a dozen people was no small feat. At the rate the family was growing, we’d need a caterer soon for our Friday dinners.

  “Oh, boy. I’m in for a long six weeks, huh?” Val asked, turning to chop cilantro for the salad.

  “You got it,” Lori said.

  “But I’m feeling fine. It was just a precautionary measure, remember? I don’t need anyone to fuss over me.”

  “You’re fine until you’re not,” Lori said. “I was also fine right until bed rest was ordered. And remember Mom said all her pregnancies were difficult? Don’t tempt fate.”

  Val didn’t have a comeback for that. Together with the boys, we carried the dishes to the table. Yum... saffron rice with beef and tomato salad with coriander. I was already salivating.

  Since we’d been surrounded by many a manly ear in the kitchen, I couldn’t fill the girls in on my Chicago escapade, but as we were preparing to sit at the table, Val whispered, “So, how was Chicago?”

  “I loved it. Reid’s the best vacation partner.”

  I realized what I’d said only when Val winced. So much for swearing Reid to secrecy. I’d gone and put my foot in my big mouth.


  “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  She laughed. “No offense taken. Not trying to compete anyway. So... details?” Then she glanced over her shoulder. The whole gang, including our brothers, was approaching the table. “Or, we can keep it for after dinner. Will and Jace are already looking suspicious.”

  “They do, don’t they? Sometimes I think they have supernatural senses.”

  As if to prove my point, as soon as we were all seated at the table, Jace said, “What’s this I heard about a rendezvous in Chicago?”

  I laughed. “Oh, Jace. One of these days I’ll find out how you can tell exactly what we’re talking about even if you’re across the room.”

  “It’s not so hard. The two of you were whispering, Val kept looking over her shoulder. Sure signs you didn’t want us to hear, which is why I thought it deserves some more digging. You went with the guy who was with you the night we looked for Milo?”


  “When are you bringing him around for dinner?”

  “So glad you brought this up,” I told him sweetly. “He has a late meeting today, but he’ll be here next week. Which means I need to drill a few things into all the Connor men.” I looked at my nephew. “Including you.”

  Milo piped up. “I’m a Connor man?”

  “Yup. Which means you have the propensity to say the wrong thing.”

  Will and Jace looked
at Landon. “You’re the oldest. You have nothing to say about this?” Jace asked.

  Landon leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. His lips twitched. “I think we all need this. Me included.”

  Will blinked. Jace shook his head, muttering something that sounded like traitor.

  “You’re not allowed to be difficult,” I told them.

  Landon smiled. “I think we need you to elaborate.”

  “You know, just let this be a regular dinner, not a test. Don’t play the brother card.”

  Jace grinned. “We can’t help ourselves.”

  “I’m with Jace. Someone’s got to do the job,” Will said.

  I rubbed my hands over my face, shaking my head. “Well, I had to try. But you’re upsetting me, just so you know.”

  Will and Jace winced. “Oh, shit. She’s starting with the emotional blackmail,” the latter said.

  Landon’s smile just became more pronounced, as if he’d been expecting this. Well, he probably had. As the oldest, he’s been on the receiving end of my tactics for the longest. I practically cut my teeth on him.

  But I also knew I could count on him to hold down the fort next week.

  It was late when I left Val’s house, and I took my phone out when I climbed into my car, about to check on Reid, when a notification caught my eye. I’d put an alert on his name, so I’d know when he popped up in online media outlets.

  Currently, the alert app showed “one new mention.” I had strictly forbidden myself to check articles in the evening, because then I couldn’t switch off my brain, which led to restless sleep. But this was Reid.

  I tapped the app, and of course that was when my phone’s battery died. Crap, crap, crap.

  I reached into the back seat, grabbing my laptop. Even from this distance, I still got a weak Wi-Fi signal from Val’s house.

  My heart squeezed when I read the newest alert at the top of the page.

  Marion had given a counterstatement, addressing Reid’s article in LA Lifestyle.

  I clicked the link, reading through the article as fast as possible. I couldn’t believe Marion. My blood boiled as I forced myself to read the article to the end. She accused Reid of being a man-whore, of cheating on her during their entire relationship. I ran a hand through my hair, leaning back in the seat, closing my eyes for a few moments to calm myself down.