Your Captivating Love (The Bennett Family Book 2) Page 20
I take a deep breath, unable to meet his eyes.
“Is something wrong?” he asks.
“What really happened to your lip?” I blurt out.
Logan takes a step back, remaining silent for almost a minute. Finally, jamming his hands in his pockets, he asks, “You spoke with Archer?”
I fold my arms over my chest, looking at him expectantly. “I asked you not to get involved.”
“The guy is scamming designers, Nadine.” Running a hand through his hair, he sighs in frustration.
I bite my tongue, digesting this new piece of information. “I did my own research and thought something wasn’t right. He wouldn’t give me the contact information of any designer he’s worked with. That was a big red flag. I wasn’t going to go into business with him anyway. Why did you do all this behind my back?”
“I was going to talk to you about it after the show. I didn’t want to spoil this for you.” Taking a deep breath, he adds, “Since it’s confession time, I should also tell you that the bank didn’t approve your loan, so I paid your old debt.”
I gasp. “You. . . Oh, Logan.”
“Nadine, I just want to protect you. You know that, right?”
“I do, but you... Oh, God. We don’t have time to talk about this right now. I need to go outside to the reporters.”
“Of course. We can talk later, at home.”
“We’ll both be tired and angry, and that’s not a good combo for a talk.”
Logan straightens his shoulders. “Okay. We’ll sleep and talk tomorrow.”
“I think I should sleep at Ava’s tonight.”
“What?” Logan stiffens.
“It’s that... I won’t be able to sleep at home knowing you’re next to me, and we still have to talk about this. I’ll sleep at Ava’s, and tomorrow I’ll come home. We’ll be both be rested and we can talk. I just need a good night sleep, that’s all.”
He runs a hand through his hair. “Okay, I’ll pick you up.”
I nod as Pippa steps into the room, throwing her hands in the air. “Here you are. What are you doing?” Watching Logan and me, she adds, “Looks like I need to kick your ass, brother. However, this is bad timing. Reporters are waiting to interview you. Nadine, too.”
Logan nods and leaves the room. Immediately, Pippa hurries to me, putting an arm around my shoulders. “I have a feeling cupcakes won’t cheer you up. This is tequila territory.”
Despite myself, I laugh. Then I draw in a deep breath. “I’ll need to crash at Ava’s place tonight. I’ll talk to Logan tomorrow.”
“You can stay with me,” Pippa says. “Now, I need you to smile and charm reporters. There are people from Vogue and Elle who want to talk to you.”
“Bad timing,” I mumble to myself.
“Unfortunately, life tends to be a series of badly timed events,” Pippa responds. “Go get them. This is your night.”
I hug Pippa. “Thank you for everything.”
Chapter Twenty-One
I wake up the next day with my head pounding as if I have a nasty hangover. The truth is I barely slept.
I check my phone and find a text from Nadine.
Nadine: I went to the store early. Can we meet there instead?
I’m about to reply when the doorbell rings. Maybe she decided to come here instead? I open the door and find Sebastian and Blake bickering. Interesting.
“What are you doing here?” I ask them.
“Sebastian called and told me to meet him here. I obeyed,” Blake answers with a smirk. “And I brought breakfast.” He holds up a bag from Wendy’s.
“Fast food?” I ask as I let them in.
“Best hangover burgers,” Blake says.
“No one’s hung over but you, Blake,” Sebastian retorts.
Blake shrugs. “Not my fault you two skip the best part of the Bennett show after-party: cocktails.”
“I’m starving, so the burgers will do,” Sebastian says. He and Blake exchange glances as they sit on my couch. Suspicious glances.
“You’re plotting something against me,” I tell them both.
“Against isn’t the right word,” Blake remarks, grabbing a burger himself and handing one to Sebastian. “But Pippa told us about the situation with Nadine, so...”
“So, what?” I challenge.
“So, what are you going to do about it?” Sebastian asks. Burger in hand, he paces by the large window overseeing the city.
“I’ll talk to Nadine today. I’m supposed to pick her up in an hour.”
“What’s your strategy?” Sebastian inquires.
I stare at him. “Dude, I’m talking about a conversation with my woman, not a fucking business meeting about mergers and acquisitions. What strategy?”
“He means groveling strategy,” Blake says, and Sebastian nods in agreement.
I’m used to Blake being a smart-ass. What I’m not used to is Sebastian siding with Blake. Lately, alliances change faster than the wind in the Bennett family.
“She just said she needed a good night’s sleep before we talk,” I say with exasperation.
Blake looks at me as if I’m insane. “Do you have any idea how many thoughts a woman can have in one night? Women are masters at overthinking words, overblowing situations. You have that bank thing and the fight with Archer against you. A woman’s mind can twist that into a deadly sin.”
“You’re overreacting, don’t you think?” I ask, but now I’m starting to worry.
“It’s better to be on the safe side,” Sebastian says. His constant pacing around the living room grates on my nerves.
“Since when are you two experts on women?” I retaliate.
“Let’s see,” Blake says. “Sebastian’s engaged, and I have plenty of experience. Summer doesn’t call me a man-whore for nothing. What a woman wants in your case is for you to grovel: flowers, presents, and so on.”
“Nadine’s not like that.”
“Nadine’s a woman,” Blake replies. “If she doesn’t like flowers, you have to come up with more creative presents and strategies. I have this down to a science. There are three stages for a woman to forgive you: apologizing, groveling, and kissing the hell out of her.”
I give him the stink eye, but Blake continues undeterred. “My groveling tactics have always worked. Before you repeat that Nadine isn’t like other women, I’ll say this. She is a woman, and has magnificent breasts to prove it.”
“Don’t go there, or I’ll punch you,” I warn.
Sebastian stops pacing. “Wait, Blake saw Nadine naked? Am I missing something?”
“Nadine wanted to surprise our dear brother with an office striptease,” Blake explains. “I was in the office with him.”
Sebastian grins.
“Not funny,” I growl through gritted teeth.
“That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week,” Sebastian says.
“Yes, yes, let’s all laugh about it,” I reply without humor. “Blake, if you ever bring this up again, I will punch you. Sebastian, stop grinning.”
Sebastian draws in a breath and bursts into laughter. I ignore him.
“All sorts of things can happen if you don’t have a groveling strategy,” Blake says.
“Like what?” I challenge. “Humor me.”
“Like a new guy showing up and stealing her from you. And before you tell me for the millionth time that Nadine isn’t like that, let me tell you, men are smart. First, he’ll be her friend. He’ll give her a shoulder to cry on. Things escalate quickly from there.” Dropping his voice, he adds, “Trust me—been there, done that. It’s called rebound sex.”
“You’re a dick,” I tell him, but with less annoyance in my voice than before.
“Have you heard the saying ‘a shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on’?” Blake asks.
“Enough.” I jump from my seat, fully intending to throttle the moron. Younger brothers have no respect. Sebastian steps between me and the
“He was talking hypothetically,” Sebastian says. “You’re meeting her in an hour, Logan. No time for anyone to steal her from you.”
It takes a few minutes for me to calm down, but eventually I slump back in my chair. Blake’s sprawled on the couch with a smug grin.
“Do something that matters to her,” Sebastian suggests. “Something that tells her you understand what she needs and will respect it, even if you’re bound to occasionally put your foot in your mouth.”
Finishing my burger, I mull over his words. “You’re right,” I tell Sebastian.
“Don’t take all the credit,” Blake tells Sebastian. “It’s still called groveling, and I suggested it.”
An idea suddenly strikes me. “I have a plan, but I need two days’ time, and I need Pippa’s help. God, our sister will be so smug about this.”
“Is this part of the groveling strategy?” Sebastian asks skeptically.
“Yeah,” I say.
“Okay, then. Go grovel,” Sebastian encourages. He and Blake exchange relieved looks.
“Yeah. Go grovel. This motto will go on your grave, Logan,” Blake says.
Ignoring that last part, I ask both of them, “Any tips?”
“Don’t make any promises you don’t mean,” Sebastian says firmly.
Blake folds his arms. “Especially if she tells you to take out the trash every day. Women have a tendency to remember those promises like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Blake!” I throw my hands up. “I’m pretty sure that topic won’t come up.”
“Just saying.”
“I’d still buy her a present,” Sebastian says.
“Changed my mind. I don’t need any tips. You’re both clueless when it comes to my woman.”
“I love this,” Blake announces.
“What?” Sebastian and I ask at the same time.
“Watching a woman trapping my second-eldest brother,” Blake answers.
Sebastian shakes his head. “Eventually, your time will come.”
“In about a million years. I’m very happy with my man-whore status for the moment. Just because you two decided to stick with one woman doesn’t mean I want to follow your lead. By all means, please start shooting out babies as soon as possible to keep Mom and Dad busy.”
“They already gave you the talk, didn’t they?” I ask. Judging by Blake’s grimace, they did. “I need a ride to the airport.”
At this, Blake snaps his head to me, his eyes wide. Even Sebastian appears surprised.
“Long-distance groveling?” Blake questions. “I can drop you off at the airport.”
“Don’t scare him off,” Sebastian calls after us as we head to the door.
Blake grins. “I’d never do that. I like Nadine. I’ll give him more shit about the almost-striptease we both got.”
Right. Blake should consider himself a lucky man if I don’t throttle him on the way to the airport. Taking out my phone, I dial Pippa’s number.
“Hello, brother,” she greets me.
“I need you to keep Nadine busy for two days.”
Chapter Twenty-Two
“This dress is gorgeous.” A redhead in her thirties stands in front of a mirror, admiring herself in one of my dresses.
“It brings out the best in your figure,” I say brightly, even though my mind is somewhere else. I keep checking the phone in my hand. Logan isn’t replying. Why isn’t he replying?
“And that bra,” she whispers conspiratorially. “It’s fantastic.”
After she leaves, I fall into a funk. Still no news from Logan. I did a lot of thinking last night, and I know what I want to say to him. Right now, I just want to see him, though. I need him. I missed his warmth last night, his arms around me. My man is stubborn, but so am I, and I love him to pieces.
I glance up from my phone when the door opens, hoping to see Logan. Instead, Pippa, Ava, and Alice surprise me.
“Hey, superstar,” Pippa says.
“What are you all doing here?”
“Kidnapping you,” she answers nonchalantly.
“Am I about to receive the promised tequila?” I ask her. I’m about to add that it’s bad timing, yet again, when she smiles devilishly.
“Not exactly. We thought you deserved a few days at the spa,” Pippa answers. “With Ava and me, of course. There’s no better way to relax than by having a mani, pedi, a facial, and a massage. Hot guys are giving said massages too.” Pippa rubs her palms excitedly.
Alice throws Pippa a dirty look. “Hot guys aren’t the point.”
“Hey, I was trying to sell her on the trip,” Pippa replies.
“Wow,” I interject. “Girls, I’m meeting Logan today, and I need to organize this party. I can’t go anywhere.”
“Yeah, about Logan,” Ava says. “He had to go on an urgent business trip. He’ll return in two days.”
“What?” I ask.
“Urgent business. Last minute,” she explains.
Pippa and Alice aren’t meeting my eyes. What is going on?
“Alice and Summer can take care of the shop, and organize the party while we’re gone,” Pippa informs me.
I turn to Alice. “But you have the restaurant. And Summer has to paint.”
Alice waves her hand as if that small detail doesn’t matter. “The restaurant won’t crumble if I take two days off, and Summer says she lacks inspiration right now.”
“What’s the use in having so many Bennetts, if not to help each other occasionally?” Pippa puts an arm around Alice’s shoulders.
“Summer and I will have everything under control,” Alice assures me. “You need a few days off to clear your head.”
“You three will have an answer to every objection I raise, won’t you?” I ask.
“You’re a fast learner,” Pippa says, as Alice and Ava both give me a thumbs-up. “I went to Logan’s apartment and already packed a bag for you so we can go from here.”
This isn’t just kidnapping. They’re ambushing me. All righty. Time to get my ducks in a row.
“Alice. You’re doing the catering, so you already have the schedule for that. There’s also—”
Alice holds her hand up, stopping my ramble. “I meant it when I said everything is under control. You sent me your schedule and to-do list two hours ago, so I’m already up to date with everything regarding the organization. Summer will handle the customers, and she’ll do fine.”
“You thought this through,” I say. The three women nod, clearly proud of themselves. Without warning, the corners of my eyes start burning, tears forming. I look away from them, pretending to search for my bag.
Ever since I moved here, my life has changed radically. I was used to doing things on my own and taking care of everyone else, not having others to do things for me. Certainly, I wasn’t expecting the girls to drop their jobs and interrupt their routines for me. I’m not used to having people do nice things for me. The Bennetts and Ava changed that.
My bag in my hands, I point to the door. “Okay, let’s go. When will Summer be here?”
“She’s stuck in traffic, but she should be here in ten minutes,” Alice answers. “Go, I’ll wait for her here.”
“How is it all right that the two of you took off?” I ask Ava and Pippa once we’re in the car. Pippa drives, Ava claimed shotgun, and I have the backseat all to myself.
“Sebastian was a bit grumpy, but he got over it. As if Bennett Enterprises would collapse if we weren’t there.” Pippa rolls her eyes in the rearview mirror, but she also smiles. “Don’t worry; with the collection launch behind us, this is a free period for Ava and me. Logan and Sebastian, on the other hand, have their hands full. This is an intense negotiation period with new buyers.”
My heart constricts at the mention of Logan. “Logan didn’t go on this business trip to avoid me, right?”
Pippa’s eyes widen. “Absolutely not. He just had an urgent matter t
o take care of.”
“Very urgent,” Ava adds. These girls are hiding something. I can feel it.
Pippa peeks at me in the rearview mirror then elbows Ava.
Ava whispers to her, “Stage one completed. I think she’s ready for stage two.”
“Wait, what?” I ask. “What exactly do you girls have planned?”
“You’ll see,” they say at the same time.
Ava and Pippa keep me hostage for two days. Turns out the second phase of their plan was tequila. The third was heart-to-heart talks about men over our mani-pedi. I passed all stages with flying colors, particularly the second one. I had a headache the next day to prove it.
I miss Logan terribly.
“This was fun,” Pippa states as she parks the car a few feet away from my shop.
“It was,” I admit. “Except we should’ve come back earlier. The party starts in one hour.” I try to keep the panic out of my voice. We stopped by Pippa’s apartment, where we got dressed. Pippa had a hair stylist and makeup artist from the show work their magic on us, insisting this is too monumental a night not to have professionals pep me up.
“Alice and Summer have everything under control.” Ava winks at me. The three of us leave the car and walk side by side toward my shop.
Inside, Alice orders the servers around, and she’s doing it with severity and tact at the same time. She did a great job transforming my small foyer into a space that can easily fit the number of guests we’re expecting. The two armchairs and small table are gone; in their place are tall, slim cocktail tables. There are small plates with finger foods on each table, and there is a bar in the corner. It’s tiny, but I’m sure it’s well stocked. When Alice told me she’d bring in a bar, I told her there was no way she could fit one in the foyer. She said she had exactly what I need. Looking more closely, I realize she also pushed the mannequins from the foyer farther into the shop.
“Here are my girls.” Alice hugs us briefly. “I love you all, but you’re standing in everyone’s way.”
“Alice, you can relax now and hand the reins over to Nadine,” Ava tells her. When Alice merely raises her eyebrows, she adds, “Since it’s her party.”