Always With You Page 9
“I could... but I won’t.”
She tried to elbow me, but I caught the arm in question, and then the other.
“My reflexes are faster.”
“I can see that.” She laughed when I touched my fingers to her ribs, close to her armpit. “Don’t tickle me.”
“Here’s a thought. Why don’t you just walk around naked? I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
“Reid... I should go. I have an early day tomorrow.”
“Not letting you go.” I kissed her neck without breaking eye contact in the mirror. I knew I was walking a fine line—I was either going to get my way or she’d shut down completely. But I wanted her here too much to play safe.
I tried to see myself through her eyes. A difficult client with a crazy ex on his case. But there was more to me than that—or the reclusive millionaire the media portrayed.
I had never particularly cared about letting others see deeper than the surface, but I wanted that with Hailey.
“Did you have dinner?” I asked.
“Oh, no. I came straight from the office.”
“To give me shit.”
She smiled sheepishly. “Yeah.”
“I see. I’m usually not in the habit of rewarding bad behavior, but I’ll reward you with dinner.”
“Well, if I stay, I’m the one rewarding you for being insufferable and calling Cameron.”
“I promise to spend the entire time making it up to you.”
She narrowed her eyes, but there was a definite wiggle in her ass as she turned.
“I remember you telling me something about more dates before naked time.”
“See, this can double as a date.”
“Making good on that promise to keep me captive here, huh? What if I say no?”
“Dinner. End of discussion.”
“Oh, really?”
“I have ways of getting what I want.”
Her eyes flared, but eventually she looked away, licking her lips.
Half an hour later, servers laid out dinner in the living room. I wasn’t paying the slightest attention to the food. My focus was on Hailey.
“I just love the food here. These are the best spring rolls, and I never thought I’d find anything to top my number one.”
“Where did you eat those?”
“New York,” she said dreamily.
“You miss your old job?”
“Not at all. I mean, I learned a lot, but it was just so dry. I do miss the travel, though. Clients were all over the country.”
“Did you have much time to explore?”
“Not really. Which is why I’d love to go back to a few of those places. Got a ticket booked for Chicago in one month. I can’t wait.”
I could listen to her all night, and even longer than that. I wasn’t into traveling—except if it was business related—but I couldn’t deny that hearing her tell me all about her plans lit something up inside me.
We were about to start dessert when her phone rang.
“I’ll just mute this,” she said, digging into her bag, but then she frowned.
“Take the call, Hailey. Better than fretting over it.”
“Thanks. I’ll be quick.”
She brought the phone to her ear. “Hi, Will. What’s with the late call?”
In a matter of seconds, her face turned ashen. “What do you mean? When?”
I moved closer, instinctively placing my hand on her back, hoping it would soothe her. She was trembling lightly.
“Right. I’ll be there as fast as possible and join the search party.”
Dropping the phone in her bag, she drew in a deep breath.
“I’m driving,” I said.
She blinked. “You don’t even know what’s happening.”
“No, but I know you have to be somewhere. Something bad happened. You’re shaking. I’m not letting you drive, or be alone.”
Chapter Thirteen
I took it as a bad omen that Hailey didn’t even attempt to fight me. She was quiet from the moment I clasped her hand, leading her out of the penthouse, up until we were in the car and I asked for the address.
“What’s wrong?” I asked after starting the navigation system.
“My nephew got lost. Everyone’s searching for him.”
Fuck. Fuck.
“We’ll find him. How old is he?”
Her hands trembled in her lap. I reached out, covering them.
“We’ll find him,” I repeated. “Who is searching?”
“Umm... my entire family, and also some LAPD guys. My brother Will used to be a detective.”
“See? We’ll find him.”
“Not if he went into the water,” she mumbled.
“Not a swimmer?”
“He does know how to swim, but the ocean can be dangerous anyway.”
I wanted to put her at ease, but I knew there was nothing more I could do than be here for her. And find her nephew.
When we arrived at our destination, a villa near Santa Monica, Hailey jumped out of the car before I’d even cut off the engine. I followed her quickly, into the yard that was milling with people.
“Will, any news?” Hailey asked a guy who seemed twice her size.
“No. But we’ve got a search party of twenty. We’ll find him.”
“What if he went into the ocean?”
Will set his jaw. “Milo’s smart. He knows not to go in if there are waves.”
“Where should I search? Give me a task.”
“Me too,” I said, stepping closer to her. Will glared at me, clearly just now realizing I was here.
“Who are you?” he barked.
“Hailey’s date. Now, which part of the grounds could use more people in the search party?”
Will dished out instructions, and I could tell that if circumstances were different, he’d skewer me with questions.
We divided into groups of two. I stayed with Hailey, and together we combed every inch of the beach stretching in front of the house, as well as the neighboring ones. Jesus. The waves were crushing. No matter how good a swimmer you were, you couldn’t override them.
I didn’t tell Hailey that. We just kept on trudging, right until someone called, “We found him.”
Hailey stopped, turning to me. “Did you hear that? Or did I imagine it?”
“You didn’t imagine. Come on. Let’s head back.”
Everyone was gathered inside the villa.
“He’s okay,” his mother whispered, checking on him. He did not look fucking okay. He was pale and sweating bullets.
“He was playing hide and seek with Peyton and he hid in the neighbor’s basement. The door automatically shut, and no one heard him until now,” Will explained in a low voice.
Hailey waited until Lori had checked Milo and then hugged him so tightly I was surprised we didn’t hear a bone snap. Then she pulled back, straightening his shirt and lingering with her palms on his shoulders and forearms, as if needing to check every inch to make sure he was really okay.
“I’m fine, Aunt Hailey. Fine.”
“Buddy, you’re going to be triple-checked by every aunt tonight. Fair warning,” another woman said. Valentina, if I remembered correctly. Her voice was shaky. Hailey noticed it too, and she immediately released Milo to Val.
One hour later, Hailey finally agreed that she needed some rest too, and I convinced her to let me take her home.
“I’m so exhausted,” she murmured once we arrived, resting her head on the soft leather. I walked with her inside the house, intent on making sure she went straight to bed. She looked... disheveled, a bit uncertain on her feet. Then she sprinted straight to the bathroom, closing the door. I heard retching from the other side. Fuck.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Open the door.”
“Just... give me a few seconds.”
More retching, and then the sound of water running.
/> “Hailey... do you need me to do something?”
She opened the door, sighing. Her eyes were a little unfocused.
“Stomach bug?”
“No. Sometimes, when I get really upset or anxious, my stomach gives me trouble. Sometimes it’s bad enough that I also get a fever.”
“Babe. Everyone’s fine.”
She sighed, her eyes a little unfocused.
“What’s wrong? Milo’s fine. More scared than he lets on, I think, but okay.”
“I’m worried about Val. She’s pregnant, and she shouldn’t get upset.”
The way she cared about everyone so deeply got to me in a way I couldn’t even describe. It was as if she could feel everyone else’s emotions, as if she’d soaked up everyone else’s worries tonight.
“Hailey. Don’t do that to yourself. Val was shaken, like everyone else tonight, but she’s strong, okay?
“Thank you, Reid. Not just for bringing me home, but for everything you did tonight.”
I stroked my thumb over her lower lip. “You’re amazing, brave girl. Let’s get you to bed.”
She yawned, and I slipped one hand under her knees, the other around her back, and carried her through the house. She sunk against my chest, pointing toward her room.
When I laid her on the bed, she slid under the covers fully dressed.
“Can I give you anything for your stomach?”
She shook her head. “No, it’s psychosomatic. I’ve been like this since I was a kid. Nothing helps. I just have to sleep it off.”
Fuck me. So she just went through this hell every time? What if this got even worse? I wanted to fix this. Before I could ask her anything else, she fell asleep.
No way was I going to leave. I looked around her room. She had a vanity table with a chair in one corner, and a small couch on the other side.
The couch in the living room was larger, but I didn’t want to be that far away. What if she was too faint to call loudly, and I didn’t hear when she needed something?
“Oh shit, shit, shit. It’s so late.”
Hailey’s voice awoke me with a jolt. I blinked my eyes open, watching her jump out of the bed. Her mouth formed an O when she noticed me.
“Reid... you spent the night here?”
I nodded, feeling as if I’d gotten no sleep at all.
“On the couch?”
I nodded again. Her eyes were wide and searching, as if she couldn’t quite understand what was happening.
I shook my limbs, standing up, walking right to her. “Because you were sick, and I didn’t want you to be alone.”
I cupped her face, but she jumped back.
“No, no, no. No kissing.”
“Why not?”
“Umm... morning breath?”
“Still want to kiss you.”
She shook her head vehemently. It only made me want to kiss her more.
“No. Shower first. Then kissing. Then I need to haul ass to work and find a way to repay you for just... being you, I guess.” She grinned, hugging herself. “I can’t believe you stayed.”
I loved every word coming out of her mouth, except one: work.
“Right, you’re not going to work today.”
“Why not?”
“You were sick the entire night. You need to recover.”
“I completely missed the call this morning. I bet Cameron called me about a dozen times. I have to call him back.”
“Do that. Also tell him you need the day off.”
She placed her hands on her hips, transforming from the sweet woman who was happy that I’d stayed to the feisty business professional who looked one step away from kicking me out.
“You cannot boss me into doing this.”
“I’m certainly going to try.”
“Babe. You gave me a good scare last night.” I took both her hands in mine. “The least you can do is spend today with me. I want to make sure you’re recovering.”
She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and I saw her determination melting away.
“Well, you did break your back sleeping on that terrible couch. I owe you.”
“You so do.”
She sighed, rising on her tiptoes, kissing my cheek. “Fine, you win. I’m calling in sick. But you better make today worthwhile.”
I headed to the kitchen while Hailey showered, looking around her fridge for breakfast. She had yogurt and fruit.
I found cereal too, and prepared two bowls, wondering if Hailey needed something more substantial to recover after last night.
I found oranges and squeezed two in a glass, eating a few slices to get rid of morning breath. I smiled when the sound of Hailey singing filled the house. I couldn’t be around this woman and not smile. She just lit something inside me all the time.
“What’s this?” she asked as she entered the kitchen, looking at the bowls and the glass of juice on the table. She’d put on a nightgown.
I touched my hands to her cheeks, tilting her head.
“What are you doing?”
“Claiming that kiss you withheld earlier.”
“Oh, please. Go ahead.”
I feathered my mouth against hers, biting her lower lip gently before opening her up and taking what I needed, barely able to keep it slow.
She peeked open an eye. “You call this a kiss?”
“You’re convalescing.”
“Oh, dear God. You’re going to make me stay in bed the whole day, aren’t you?”
“There’s a possibility I’ll do that, yeah.”
“Well, I’ll only accept it if you stay in bed with me.”
Laughing, I held the back of her head, deepening the kiss until she moaned against my mouth.
“Mmm... oh, yeah. I’m already feeling better. Want to do that some more?”
“Breakfast first. Sit. Eat.”
“Yes, sir.”
She sat at the table, taking a sip of the orange juice. “Replenishing my vitamins, are you?”
Hailey laughed, throwing her head back.
“Those are a lot of magnets.” I pointed to the fridge as we ate our cereal. “A lot” was an understatement. If she added any more, the door was in danger of collapsing.
“I buy one whenever I’m in a new place. I still want to go back to some of those.” It looked as if she’d been around half the world. And she wanted to see it again, while I only left LA for business trips. Would she be better off with some globetrotter? Someone more like her? Would she end up looking for entertainment elsewhere?
Fuck, no. I couldn’t even bear the thought of Hailey with another man.
“What are your favorites?” I asked.
“It’s so hard to choose. Honestly, my favorite was probably Rio de Janeiro. That city is just so vibrant, so full of life. You can feel it in the air, the food. The music. The way people smile all the time.”
I loved her confidence, the way her love for life shone in every word. It made me want to change my ways for her, or at least try—it wasn’t in my nature to be flexible, to change. The way I led my life didn’t allow for much wiggle room. But fuck... it made me wonder if I could change for her. There probably wasn’t much I wouldn’t try for Hailey.
After we finished the cereal, she got up, collecting the bowls.
I was on my feet the next second, taking them away from her.
“No. I’ll clean up,” I assured her, shoving the bowls in the dishwasher and replenishing the glasses with orange juice. As she headed back to her seat, she swayed a little on her feet.
“Bed. Now,” I instructed.
“But I feel fine.”
“That didn’t look okay. Just sleep for a few hours.”
“I don’t want to waste an entire day off— What are you doing?”
I swept her up in my arms. “Making sure you get some rest.”
“Oh, I see.
Operation doting on Hailey is still in action.”
“The entire day will be like this.”
“There’s no point fighting it, huh?”
“None at all.”
“I see. Well, I’ll take this opportunity to show you around. This is the living room.”
It was small but welcoming, with large windows, a cozy couch, and a huge TV. The walls were an interesting mix of colors. Three of them were cream; the fourth one had messy orange stripes.
“Interesting choice of colors. Was the orange on purpose?”
“Do not mock my living room. And to answer your question... not really. My brothers did those three walls, but that’s the one wall I did with Val and Lori, and we... errr, were too busy gossiping to pay attention.”
“Why didn’t you correct it?”
“Turned out I actually liked it. To the right is the guest bedroom... and you’re already familiar with the master bedroom,” she finished as I laid her in bed.
“Normal colors, I see.”
“Yeah, at this point, my brothers basically told us to get on with gossiping and let them paint the bedrooms alone. And if they offered, who was I to say no? And speaking of my siblings....”
She reached for the phone on her nightstand, her expression lighting up. “Val says she’s okay. Whew. I was so worried about her.”
“You mentioned that last night.”
She looked away, nibbling at her lower lip. I sat on the edge of the bed, running my hands through her thick hair.
“Do you get sick a lot?”
“No, just when something really bad happens and I get anxious about it. It was why Lori asked me to stay with her last night; she knew something like this might happen. My parents took me to the ER a few times, because kids dehydrate real quick. I needed IVs for liquids. But all in all—no medicine needed. There’s nothing wrong physically, just... I don’t know. I guess I get too wrapped up in everything.”
She played with the edges of the pillow, picking some invisible lint off it.
“That is not something to be ashamed of. I think it’s incredible—the way you can feel so strongly. I just wish it didn’t make you sick.”
“You don’t think I’m crazy, do you?”
“Someone said that to you?” I set my jaw.
“Well, not necessarily crazy. But the word oddball might have come up a few times.”